January 30, 2020
January 30, 2020


Andrew Pulle is an advertising commercial director best known for his role in the acclaimed Sri Lankan tele-vision series Koombiyo

Andrew Pulle

Stuff of Dreams

Q: If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
A: The power to direct the best movie

Q: Your dream holiday destination would be...?
A: Iceland

Q: Life is…
A: About living and creating experiences

Q: Which fictional character would you be most excited to meet in real life?
A: Todd Phillips’ Joker

Favourite Things

Q:How best do you like to relax?
A: Watching a good movie and relaxing with my loved ones

Q: What’s your favourite place to eat at?
A: Home

Q: And your favourite attire is...
A: Suit and tie

Q: What’s your favourite TV show?
A: Priest

Q: Your favourite cocktail or beverage?
A: Long Island Iced Tea

Q: And all-time favourite movie favourite – and why?
A: Pulp Fiction – because it has a different screenplay and it opened my eyes to how you can change a sequence or the chronological order of a film and still have a good product

Deep and Meaningful

Q: If you could meet your 16-year-old self, what would you tell him?
A: Get yourself into film school immediately

Q: Best advice received…?
A: You should personally experience people’s lives – because it’s only then that you can understand the characters you’re directing

Q: What’s your mantra before going behind the camera?
A: I simply watch my actors get into character, get a feel of the set and explain the next scene’s storyline

Q: Two role models in your life...
A: My brother David and my girlfriend

Q: A little-known fact about you…
A: I’m kind but have a temper – it’s never shown but it’s there!

This and That

Q: Your pet peeve is...
A: People trying to advise me

Q: What are you most passionate about – and why?
A: I’m passionate about directing movies – my father worked as a cinema manager for Ceylon Theatres and I used to watch every new release multiple times

Q: Why?
A: Because I was fascinated by the whole idea of movie making and how a person’s taste works

Q: Name five things in your fridge at home right now... A: Chocolate, spices, juice, salad and heaps of tuna

Q: What was the last gift you gave someone?
A: Flowers to my girl

Q: Three things you would be lost without...
A: Strength, hard work and my soulmate

Q: Are you more of a hunter or gatherer?
A: Hunter

– Compiled by Ashwini Vethakan

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