January 12, 2020
January 12, 2020


Smart solutions

Pia Hatch

offers some nifty apparel solutions
All of us have experienced the embarrassment of stains of various sorts on our clothes. Here are a few hacks that will turn your fashion frown upside down.

RED WINE Surprisingly, the solution is more wine; but you to need to switch to white wine. Blot the stain lightly with white wine and soak it completely. And remember not to rub it in.

OIL Dust talcum powder liberally on the stain and leave it overnight.

SWEAT Spray lemon juice on the stain before you put the item of clothing in the wash.

DIRT ON SUEDE Rub stale bread crusts gently on the stain and voila, they’re gone!

MAKEUP Shaving foam will remove makeup stains from clothing.


TANGLED CHAINS Wondering what to do with those hopelessly tangled chains and pesky environment destroying plastic straws? Surprisingly, chains and straws are a great combo. Simply unclasp the chain on your necklace, thread it through the straw and clasp it.

TARNISHED SILVER Squeeze ketchup onto a soft square of cloth, rub it into your silver jewellery and wash it off. It’ll be as shiny as new!

GREEN FINGERS Is junk jewellery discolouring your skin? Simply apply a thin layer of clear nail polish on the inside of the jewellery to create the perfect barri-er.

DENIM DUO Adding a splash of distilled vinegar to the wash can help slow the fading of your denims. If you’d rather not wash your jeans, put them in a Ziploc bag and pop them in the freezer overnight to keep them smelling fresh.

TIGHT SHOES Don’t despair! Simply fill Ziploc bags with water, and seal and put them into your shoes. Place the shoes in the freezer and wait until the water is completely frozen. Repeat the process if needed.
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