September 7, 2021
September 7, 2021
September 10, 2021

GREEN Journeys

BY Pallavi Pinakin

Remaining committed to sustainability can seem daunting while travelling but it’s possible to do your bit for the environment even as you jet around the world. Here’s how you can travel in a more eco-friendly way.

LOWER EMISSIONS For those holidaying with family or friends, try to avoid aeroplanes in favour of more environmentally-friendly options such as buses or trains.

If flights are unavoidable, check what airlines are dedicated to offsetting their carbon emissions and book your ticket with one of them. After reaching your destination, use public transport or bikes instead of taxis. The planet will thank you… and you’ll save money!

LOW-KEY HOTELS Treat your hotel like your home. Since cleaning, laundry and room service at most hotels consume a lot of power, you may want to opt for a low-key Airbnb or homestay.

If you prefer to book into a hotel, ask in advance about its sustainability initiatives and recycling programmes. After checking in, act as if you actually live there – if you don’t wash your towels or clothes daily at home, don’t ask for it at the hotel!

Save water by showering rather than filling up the bathtub, and reduce electricity use by switching off lights and air conditioners when you leave for the day. And keep the ‘Do not disturb’ sign on as often as you can because a daily deep clean is a major energy guzzler.

LOCAL PRODUCE When restaurants import vegetables, fruits and staple ingredients from abroad, they contribute hugely to carbon emissions.

As a responsible traveller, opt for local eateries, which are far likelier to source ingredients locally. You can also check if the restaurant sources sustainably grown ingredients and whether it is committed to reducing food waste.

These practices are now the norm in many farm-to-table restaurants. Another advantage is that you can sample a whole range of regional cuisine. If you’re staying somewhere that has a kitchen, you could even whip up some delicious homemade meals with fresh produce from a nearby farmer’s market.

CHECK THE SOURCE As you browse the markets for souvenirs and gifts, try to buy locally crafted items made from eco-friendly materials.

If possible, you could reduce the chain of carbon emissions even more by purchasing directly from artistes rather than large chain stores. Not only are you buying a green object, you’re also supporting the local community and boosting homegrown crafts.

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