November 17, 2021
November 17, 2021
November 19, 2021

Pop Sugar: 11/17/2021

How are we doing, Swifties? Alive? Breathing? Glad your name doesn’t rhyme with Shmake Shmyllenhaal? Despite briefly breaking Spotify at midnight on Nov. 12, Taylor Swift’s Red (Taylor’s Version) is officially out in the world. It’s a sad, beautiful, tragic resurrection of some of the catchiest hits and breakup ballads that gripped Swift’s fans in late 2012. But it’s also overflowing with new sounds, new performers, and new reasons to have an emotional breakdown. As you listen, it’s likely you’ll find the new and old Red (Taylor’s Version) lyrics reflect your love life so profoundly, despite the fact the album was first released in 2012, when you were younger and your love life was drastically different. Brace yourself: when you take a peek at the Red (Taylor’s Version) lyrics that best reflect your zodiac sign’s love life, you’ll probably feel personally attacked.

From the wistful lyrics of “Begin Again” to the novella that is the “All Too Well (10 Minute Version)” lyrics, you’ll find that Red (Taylor’s Version) is chock-full of approaches to and interpretations of love as different as those of the zodiac signs. The visibility Aries finds in the whirlwind love described in “Red,” Cancer instead finds in the emotional longing of “Forever Winter.” Yes, every zodiac sign expresses love in myriad ways, but there’s likely one love-inspired lyric on Swift’s album that hits each sign right in the gut. Ahead, find the Red (Taylor’s Version) lyric that best describes your zodiac sign’s love life, from the way you show affection to how you prefer to receive it.

Aries: “Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street: faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly.” — Taylor Swift, “Red (Taylor’s Version)”

Fiery Aries, your love affairs are the definition of “burning red.” You’re alluring and charming, but you can also be a bit reckless and overconfident. You have a tendency to move fast and furiously, creating whirlwind romances that burn brightly but can easily get snuffed out if you aren’t careful.

Taurus: “I’ve been spending the last eight months thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end. But on a Wednesday in a café, I watched it begin again.” — Taylor Swift, “Begin Again (Taylor’s Version)”

You love hard, Taurus. You crave the steadiness and stability of a relationship, which pushes you to be an accommodating lover. Sometimes, though, you may get a little too comfortable, doing anything and everything to keep things the way they are, even if that’s not best for either of you. This can make you a little cynical about love, but because you adore the feeling of romance, you don’t let that hold you back for long.

Gemini: “We never saw it coming. Not trying to fall in love, but we did like children running. Back then, we didn’t know we were built to fall apart.” — Taylor Swift, “The Very First Night (Taylor’s Version) (From the Vault)”

Contrary to popular belief, Gemini, you tend to be pretty careful with your heart. But you’re so naturally chatty and charming that love tends to come easily for you, whether you’re looking for it or not. And when it does, it can run its course as quickly as the thoughts constantly racing through your mind.

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