January 12, 2020
January 12, 2020



Fascinating innovations to sustain life
Ayesha Reza Rafiq is very interested
VITAMIN INTAKE Vitamin deficiencies are often hard to spot until physical symptoms begin showing up. By that time, a lot of damage could have already been done. A new app promises to spot vitamin deficiencies based on photographs and recommend dietary changes that will ensure a healthy vitamin balanced daily diet to ensure optimal physical health.

The app scans pictures of users’ eyes, tongue, lips and nails to spot any deficiencies, which can be seen through changes in texture, shape, colour and appearance. Then AI compares these with images in a large database. This process eliminates the need for a blood test to diagnose vitamin deficiencies.

Vita-Cam eventually plans to connect users with dieticians and vitamin supplement companies, and offer a holistic approach to tackling the issue of vitamin deficiency.
DRIVING SAFETY Texting and calling while driving continue to be the main causes of vehicle accidents including fatalities around the world.

Safe Halo is a system that disables a phone if it’s thought to be on or near the driver’s seat. If the system detects that the driver is travelling alone, it kicks into gear as soon as the engine starts. It then blocks all incoming calls and text messages, as well as the ability to place them – with the exception of outgoing emergency calls. If the presence of passengers is detected, the system will identify the location of the phone in the vehicle first, blocking calls or text messages only if it’s close to the driver’s seat. But if the phone is moved away, these services will be unblocked.

Safe Halo can be installed by parents who want to keep their children safe or organisations that want their drivers to not use their smartphones irresponsibly while they’re driving. Any attempt to delete the app or unplug the system will result in the installer of the system being automatically notified.

That said, it’s unlikely that drivers who are prone to texting or calling while driving will be happy to install this system!
GREEN THUMBS-UP Urban gardeners with ‘brown thumbs’ will find keeping houseplants alive a real challenge. The quantity of water, sunlight, fertiliser etc. that’s required to keep a houseplant green and healthy doesn’t come easily to some.

Greensens is a houseplant sensor that takes the guesswork out of this process by monitoring houseplants and letting users know when they need to kick their care up a notch. It uses a system of slim and unobtrusive solar-powered sensors that are inserted into the soil to gather data on soil moisture, ambient temperature and surrounding light.

When moisture levels are low or more sunlight is needed, or any other adjustment needs to be made, users will be notified with the necessary advice.

Greensens can monitor up to 10 plants at a time and offer care advice for each plant individually. The system also has sensors for flowers and helps ensure that flowering plants have the best possible care to keep blooming beautifully.
ROCK ME BABY! Sleeping like a baby is blissful; but what if you could be rocked to sleep like a baby too? A gentle rocking motion helps you fall asleep and though adult beds aren’t designed like cradles, the ADIVA system is set to change that.

It’s designed with four legs that are connected to motion sensors and a central control unit. As users feel they’re falling asleep, they can activate the system, which will gently rock the bed from side to side.

While users can choose to keep the motion running all night, the recommended automated mode switches off when the user falls asleep and resumes temporarily when restlessness is detected.
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