February 8, 2021
Beyond Bawa
February 8, 2021
February 9, 2021

The lives celebrities lead seem very attractive to us, indeed. We tend to think that they, being so shiny, famous, and successful, always get what they want. However, sometimes they fall victim to unrequited love and feel the exact same way about it as we do.

We at Bright Side think it’s interesting to find out what celebrity couples could’ve existed if some of these enamored celebs had been brave enough to speak out.

1. Nicole Kidman and Jimmy Fallon

The fact that Nicole Kidman wasn’t indifferent toward the famous TV host was revealed by her own mouth when she was invited as a guest to his show in 2015. She told him that the 2 of them had once been set up on a date. Jimmy Fallon replied that he had no idea it was anything like a date.

Talking about it after a few years, she laughed, “You wouldn’t talk. You wouldn’t say anything, and then you put a video game on or something…and so after about an hour and a half, I thought, ’He has no interest, this is so embarrassing.’”

2. Jake Gyllenhaal and Jennifer Aniston

These 2 were working together in The Good Girl in 2002, and only 14 years later did Jake Gyllenhaal admit that he had feelings for her. In an interview, he said to People Magazine:

“I will say, I had a crush on her for years. And working with her was not easy…I was — um, yeah. That’s all I’m going to say. It was lovely. It wasn’t hard, that’s what I would say.”

Aniston was married to Brad Pitt till 2005, and when she was asked about the recent revelation by Gyllenhaal, she replied, “Well, I just don’t know why we’re finding this out now!”

3. Reese Witherspoon and Johnny Depp

In 2012, Reese Witherspoon admitted she was in love with Johnny Depp when she was younger. “I just had a really major crush on him. I used to pull pictures out of Teen Beat and put them on my wall,” the actress dished. However, it seems she never told him about it. “I don’t think he knows. I’m not sure it would faze him: I’m sure he’s heard that quite a bit.”

4. Sophie Turner and Matthew Perry

In an interview in 2019, Sophie Turner said that she would flirt with Matthew Perry. As she explained, she would see him near her local supermarket every day and was planning to walk up to him but never succeed.

She once also posted a tweet about Chanandler Bong in order to get Matthew Perry’s attention. “I thought he might see this tweet and then, I don’t know, reach out to me, and ask me on a date or something, but he didn’t,” Turner explained.

5. Ariana Grande and Jim Carrey

When asked about her childhood crush on a TV show, Ariana answered, “My childhood crush, my lifelong crush, it kind of all goes together. It’s Jim Carrey.” Once she even posted a video where she literally broke into tears when meeting Carrey for the first time.

Carrey, in his turn, politely replied to her tweet that he felt “blessed to have such a gifted admirer.”

6. Drake and Rihanna

At the 2016 VMAs, Drake, while presenting an award to Rihanna, admitted he’d been in love with her since he was 22 years old. He also tried to give her a congratulatory kiss. However, in an interview, Rihanna mentioned that “waiting through that speech was probably the most uncomfortable part.”

7. Helen Mirren and Vin Diesel

The actress told Seth Meyers in 2015 that she “sort of fell a little bit in love” with her co-star from The Fast and the Furious, Vin Diesel. Diesel has also mentioned, in an interview about Mirren, that acting with her was “one of my favorite days in my journey.” He continued, “No one else in the room mattered. Nothing existed but this bond between her and me, and there was something really magical and really special about it.”

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