May 22, 2020
May 22, 2020


Jump out of an aeroplane for fun!

Gloria Spittel presents five exciting locations for skydiving

Skydiving is an exhilarating activity, usually embraced only by adrenaline chasers. But it’s increasingly appearing on the bucket lists of many adventure seekers, as well as those who want to try it at least once. Jumping out of a plane, feeling natural forces acting on your body and free falling may sound appealing to some… but it’s terrifying to others who only want to view Planet Earth from safe and secure vantage points.

Regardless of whether skydiving is pursued as an adventure sport or a once in a lifetime experience, this is an exclusive activity. And though it is often prohibitively expensive, it’s gaining popularity the world over.

Here are some jaw-dropping locations that may tempt skydivers.

AFRICA The Dark Continent has many beautiful pla­­ces for skydiving including stunning desert vistas of the Namib Desert. But Zimbabwe’s Victoria Falls, considered the largest in the world when its height and width are combined, may be the best of the lot. How different would a waterfall appear from 3,000 metres above the ground?

NEPAL To fly over Mount Everest, view the world’s highest mountain and jump in free fall towards its welcoming snow-clad surface is extremely costly. But many thrill seekers seem to think the price is well worth the experience. Having said that, it appears that the first turbulence to overcome is a waiting list of more than six months!

NEW ZEALAND From a natural wonder to yet another geographic marvel, New Zealand is home to various spectacular sites but one particular location to skydive from is the Fox Glacier with its serene landscape. Imagine doing this over a 13 kilometre long glacier with views of rugged peaks in the Southern Alps and the coastline along the Tasman Sea…

SWITZERLAND Fancy having even a fleeting glimpse of Italy, France, Germany and Austria past the snow-capped peaks of the Swiss Alps? Considered one of the most picturesque skydiving locations in Europe, Interlaken offers both the excitement of mountain and glacier views, as well as tranquil lakes and the descent into a breathtaking landscape.

UNITED STATES Have you wanted to visit the Grand Canyon? If so, why don’t you drop in? From up here, the hiking trails may resemble slivers of movement but a landscape of cliffs and eddies, the Colorado River and numerous colours of the Grand Canyon may be more than what the eye can take in at one time.

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