Pop Sugar: 12/29/2021

They say time flies when you’re having fun, but what they didn’t tell you is, the same goes for living during a pandemic. Thank goodness there’s plenty to look forward to in your 2022 horoscope. You’re not alone if you feel the concept of time is more baffling than ever. Now, almost two years since the beginning of 2020, I still find myself looking back at the merciless January 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction that occurred at the start of this global crisis that has pushed our limits both as individuals and as a collective. Positioned in Capricorn — a symbol of structures, foundations, and hierarchies — these malefic planets began to dissolve previously set systems and traditions that were no longer serving us. This event, along with the North Node in Cancer in 2020, which collectively guided us to go inward, gave us no choice but to retreat and nurture the home within ourselves. Since then, however, we’ve been able to forge new structures that align with our soul’s purpose, even if that meant working permanently from the comfort of our own homes. Some planetary transits are more challenging than others, but the good news is, there aren’t any Saturn-Pluto conjunctions in your 2022 horoscope.

Fast-forward to January 2021, a week or so after the Great Conjunction, when Saturn joined Jupiter in the first degree of Aquarius. This rare occurrence was a celestial prelude to the era waiting for us over the horizon. More importantly, however, Jupiter’s transit through Aquarius — a symbol of community, freedom, humanitarianism, innovation, and technology — bestowed on us a renewed sense of optimism for the future. Look at it this way: Jupiter magnifies everything it touches, Saturn places limitations, and Aquarius starts a revolution. Together, this astrological synergy prompted significant societal advancements that, despite the turmoil, laid out a path forward.

Something important to consider as you dive into your 2022 horoscope is the long-term effects of Saturn’s transit through Aquarius, especially with regard to our individuality. Saturn tends to be restrictive, but it also teaches us the value of discipline. In Aquarius, the taskmaster planet has extended a helping hand when it comes to polishing our individual skill sets and how we share these unique parts of us with the world. With this in mind, Saturn will square Uranus for a third time before the new year, which continues to teach us how to adapt to the societal developments we’ve been experiencing since 2020. Venus will also station retrograde in Saturn-ruled Capricorn on Dec. 19, triggering significant changes in the financial landscape.

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