June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020


Dimitry Fernando

– Compiled by Ashwini Vethakan

Favourite Things

Q: Do you have a favourite cuisine?
A: It’s a tossup between Thai and Chinese

Q: And your favourite cocktail or beverage is…?
A: G&T all the way – I have my own twist to it, and make it at home for family and friends

Q: Your favourite genres of movies...
A: Drama, action and comedy

Stuff of Dreams

Q: If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
A: Teleportation for sure since it would be pretty cool to teleport to any location

Q: Describe your dream holiday…
A: Relaxing on an exotic island – probably the French Polynesian island of Bora Bora

Q: Which fictional character would you be most excited to meet in real life?
A: Clark Kent – a.k.a. Superman

Q: If you could be from any other decade or era, which would it be?
A: I think the rock-and-roll era of the 1970s would have been a pretty cool time to be young and alive

Q: What are you passionate about?
A: Basketball and music


Dimitry Fernando is the Director of The Chiller Room, Ask For Fern, and Rhythm and Blues (better known as R+B)


This and That

Q: Three words that best describe you...
A: Confident, outgoing and affectionate

Q: What would be a good theme song for your life?
A: It’s definitely Hakuna Matata (which means ‘no worries’)

Q: The last gift you gave someone was...
A: Treating my cousin on her birthday to a yummy culinary experience at Gini

Q: Are you more of a hunter or gatherer?
A: I would say gatherer

Q: Three things you’d be lost without...
A: Phone, ATM card and house keys

Deep and Meaningful

Q: The best piece of advice you’ve received...
A: Be patient

Q: What’s your biggest peeve?
A: Fake people

Q: If you could have three people (dead or alive) over to dinner, who would they be?
A: Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan and LeBron James

Q: What’s the best thing about being in the F&B business?
A: I love working in hospitality because of the people I meet and relationships that are built

Q: Who would play you in the movie of your life?
A: Chad Michael Murray

Q: What would you like life to be like in 20 years?
A: It would be nice to be semi-retired, in good health and chilling at my dream home on the beach with my family

Q: A little-known fact about you…
A: I love cooking and find it therapeutic

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